CULTR-CLTA Conference Grant

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2024 CULTR Travel Grant for First-Time Conference Attendees

The CLTA invites applications from eligible members to apply for the CULTR Conference Travel Grant for its 2024 annual conference. This award is generously sponsored by the Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) at Georgia State University. It will provide an annual prize amount of $900 to support three first-time CLTA conference attendees who are in year 1-5 of teaching. This award is open to all K-12 and college-level teachers who are CLTA members.

After the conference, award winners are required to complete a brief survey which includes their name, number of years teaching, school name and location (city & state), teaching environment (rural, urban, suburban), and a description of conference presentation, if applicable (however, presenting at the conference is not required).  Winners also need to answer the prompt “How has CULTR’s sponsorship for this conference impacted your professional development as a teacher?”  and to upload a one-minute video that will be featured in a post-conference newsletter and/or on CULTR’s website.

The application deadline for funding to attend 2024 CLTA conference is March 22nd, 2024.

Winners will be selected by lottery at the CLTA’s all-member meeting on Saturday evening, April 6th , 2024. Please note that applicants who are not present at the all-member meeting will be considered to have withdrawn from the competition.

To apply, please use the following link




Cheer Wu, UCLA
Ai-Ling Lu,  Ohio State University
Kuang-Li Han, Greenbelt Middle School


Xiaoyu Liu, University of Oregon
Molly Cao, Holland Hall
Ya-Huei Chang, Western Kentucky University