Entries by CLTA

CLTA Virtual Forum (#5)

全美中文教師學會網上論壇-第五講  (全美中文教师学会网上论坛-第五讲) 讲题: 中文教师职业发展与学术规划 Title: Career Advancement as CSL Professionals 主持人: 袁芳远 特邀讲者: 许怡, 郦帅, 张洁, 刁文豪, 萧旸 Time: 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm (EST), March 6 (Saturday), 2021 The CLTA Virtual Forum #5 (Open and Free for CLTA Members, registration is required) Steps to register: https://www.clta-us.org Login with your CLTA Member info. Fill out the Virtual Forum registration form (you can also find the […]


全美中文教師學會網上論壇-第四講  (全美中文教师学会网上论坛-第四讲) 讲题: 二语习得与中文教学 Title: From Research to Classroom Practice in Chinese as a Second Language Time: 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm (EST), November 7 (Saturday), 2020 主持人: 白建华 特邀讲者: 沈禾玲, 温晓虹, 陶红印, 袁芳远 THANK YOU for sponsoring CLTA Virtual Forum #4: 北京语言大学出版社北美分社 (Phoenix Tree Publishing, Inc.) Virtual Forum via Zoom. Open and Free for CLTA Members. Seats are […]


全美中文教師學會網上論壇-第三講  (全美中文教师学会网上论坛–第三讲) 讲题: 中文教职应聘与教师资质提升 Title: CFL Teacher Jobs、Recruitment 、Criteria and Qualifications TIME: 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm (EST), October 3 (Sat), 2020 主持人: 刘乐宁 特邀嘉宾: 周质平 , 张曼荪 , 梁新欣 , 朱永平 Virtual Forum via Zoom. Open and Free for CLTA Members. Seats are limited. Registration is required. To register: Login with your CLTA Member info Fill out the Virtual Forum registration form You will receive email confirmation with Zoom link […]

CLTA Virtual Forum #2 全美中文教师学会网上论坛

CLTA VIRTUAL FORUM (#2) 全美中文教師學會網上論壇     第二講 (全美中文教师学会网上论坛   第二讲) TITLE: VIRTUAL AND IN-PERSON CFL TEACHING IN THE NEW CIRCUMSTANCES 讲题: 新形势下的线上与线下中文教学 主持人: 梁霞 特邀讲者: 储诚志, 笪骏, 高瑛, 叶为兵 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm (EST), August 29 (Saturday), 2020 论坛召集人: 朱永平    致辞:许怡    CLTA介绍: 吴素美 Virtual Forum via Zoom. Open and Free for CLTA Members. Seats are limited. Registration is required. To register: Login with your CLTA Member info Fill out the Virtual […]

CLTA Virtual Forum 全美中文教师学会网上论坛 (#1)

A Discussion on Chinese Pedagogical Grammar 汉语教学语法论坛  8:00 – 9:30 pm (EST), July 11 (Saturday), 2020 Virtual Forum via Zoom. Open and Free for CLTA Members. Seats are limited. Registration is required (members must login to fill out the form).  

2017 Professional Development Grants

CLTA-USA has awarded the 2017 Professional Development Grants to the following regional associations: CLTA-California,  CLTA-Oregon,  CLTA-Texas, CLTA-Virginia, CLTA-Washington, New England CLTA, Oklahoma-CLTA, CLTA-Indiana Please visit here for more information about regional associations affiliated with CLTA-USA: https://www.clta-us.org/about-clta/regional-cltas/

National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society

The National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society is founded to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of college students in learning Chinese as a second language, to encourage them to continue to study Chinese after they graduate from college, and to promote the study of Chinese language, literature, and culture in the United States. This year the […]

2017 Professional Development Grants

The CLTA-USA has awarded the 2017 Professional Development Grants to the following regional associations: CLTA-California,  CLTA-Oregon,  CLTA-Texas, CLTA-Virginia, CLTA-Washington, New England CLTA, Oklahoma-CLTA, CLTA-Indiana Please visit here for more information about regional associations affiliated with CLTA-USA: https://www.clta-us.org/about-clta/regional-cltas/

Cheng & Tsui Professional Development Award for Teachers of Chinese

Cheng & Tsui Professional Development Award for Teachers of Chinese is now calling for applications. The award supports the attendance of pre-collegiate and collegiate teachers at training workshops, seminars, conferences, and other in-service learning experiences at local, national, or international levels; and/or to collaborate with a mentor teacher. The application deadline is October 31, 2017. […]

Report on the 2016 Annual Membership Meeting

CLTA’s Annual Membership Meeting was held in Boston, MA during the ACTFL’s Annual Conference on Saturday, November 19, 2016. The meeting kicked off with a reception – many thanks to the sponsors for the wonderful meal. CLTA’s President, Helen Shen, started the meeting with a warm welcome and expressed her appreciation for the membership’s support […]

STARTALK 2016 Programs

STARTALK has just published their list of programs for 2016.  Chinese language teachers in the U.S. may apply for a program of interest to them.  Here is the URL: https://startalk.umd.edu/public/find-a-summer-program/?f[0]=im_field_st_language%3A39&f[1]=im_field_program_participant_typ%3A183

Volume 50:3, October 2015

In Memoriam: Professor Frank Feng-sheng Hsueh (薛鳳生教授) ··· i Editor’s Message ···ii Articles The Place of Linguistics in CSL Teaching and Teacher Education: Toward a Usage-Based Constructionist Theoretical Orientation ··· 1 Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon Curricular Goals and Curriculum Design: The Case of a College-level Chinese Language Program ··· 23 Han Luo, Lafayette College Writing Practice and […]

Volume 50:2, June 2015

Articles From Corpus Analysis to Grammar Instruction: Toward a usage-based constructionist approach to constructional stratification·················· 1 Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, Xinjia Peng, University of Oregon Jing-Yun Chen, Johns Hopkins University   Mapping Chinese Language Pedagogy from 1966 to 2013: A bibliometric study of the Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association········ 31 Helena Casas-Tost, Sara Rovira-Esteva Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona […]

Volume 50:1, February 2015

Articles 汉英认知定势及其跨文化转换···················································· 1      陈忠, Beijing Language and Culture University   留学生汉语声调习得中阳上合流的实验研究·································· 19      温宝莹, 南开大学汉语言文化学院      燕芳, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊校区   美国学生汉语基础元音的习得:两字组与句子的对比······················· 43    谢彦, Liberty University   Decoding College Chinese Placement Tests From the perspective of student performance····························· 61        Yan Li, University of Kansas   Review article 美國大學主要文言文教材選篇研究············································· 83    蔡蓉芝, 國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所   Reviews Chinese […]

The 2014 CLTA Annual Conference Witnesses Another Year of Growth

By Fangyuan Yuan With Contributions from Weidong Zhang, Claire Kotenbeutel, and Yea-Fen Chen Dec.15, 2014 The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) successfully held its 2014 annual conference in conjunction with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in San Antonio, TX from Nov. 21-23, 2014, with the theme of “Reaching Global […]

Volume 49:3, October 2014

Articles A Learner Corpus Study of L2 Lexical Development of Chinese Resultative Verb Compounds································································ 1 Jie Zhang, University of Oklahoma   The Gap in the Use of Lexical Cohesive Devices in Writing between Native Chinese Speakers and Second Language Users····························· 25        Shouji Li, Massey University   Understanding Language Anxiety and Ways to Alleviate it […]