Special Interest Group Membership Registration - Non-CLTA Members Please submit a separate form for up to three Special Interest Group you wish to join. Name* First Last Email* Affiliation/Institution* Special Interest Group*-Select-Chinese as a second language researchChinese Heritage Language Learning / 华裔中文教学Chinese Language Film Education Exchange (CLFEdEx) CLTA 中文電影教學興趣小組CLTA Educational Technology (CLTA-Ed Tech)Content-based Chinese Language Courses at Advanced Levels 跨学科高年级汉语教学Context-based Inter-disciplinary CFL Curriculum: Research and PracticeIntercultural Competence for Chinese Teachers and Learners 中文师生所需的跨文化能力K-12 Classroom and Methodology K-12 中文课堂教学与方法论L2 Chinese Pronunciation Teaching and Research group (L2 Chinese PTR)/二语语音教学与研究Teaching CFL to Elementary and Intermediate Learners 初中级中文教学CFL Teacher Development 汉语教师综合素养论坛Program Articulation 项目衔接Chinese Grammar Instruction and Research 语法教学和研究Special Interest Group Leader* The registration fee for non-CLTA members is $15. This fee is waived for current CLTA members and a separate registration form is available (login required). You can join CLTA today.Membership status* No, I am not currently a CLTA Member Special Interest Group Membership Fee* Price: